Sunday, November 8, 2009

Backstreet's back, alright!

So yes, it's been awhile. My Eurotrip never materialized and it's because I got promoted at work. I'm still in a position lower than I ever expected to be working (thanks to the stupid Baby Boomers' "with a college degree you can do anything!" rhetorical bullshit of the nineties -- yeah, because History/English/Philosophy/other LibArts majors are really THAT special), but I'm hoping a few more months of ass kissing and acting manically enthusiastic will reward me with another promotion. Apparently the much feared boss-lady who controls our lives has taken a liking to me and has rewarded me with a great opportunity. I'm still wondering how I pulled that one off but let's just say I have no complaints. So maybe when my tentative career plans stall out or when I characteristically sabotage myself I'll go walk across Spain.

In other news, I went on a date yesterday. That's right, "whaaa...?" He's a German, complete with an Anglicized name now only found in the Germanic regions of continental Europe. It allowed me to exercise my impressive knowledge of sophisticated German phrases, such as "Wo ist die Toilette?," "Eine Hefeweissen, bitte," and "Ich habe eine Partei gemacht." (Obviously, my semester in Germany really paid off.) But anyway, I think rushing into another relationship this soon would be a huge fiasco so I'm just planning on seeing people in the most unslutty and boring way imaginable. I still want to punch my ex in the face most of the time but working and trying to move on kind of distract me from my pseudo-violent fantasies.